Monday, April 25, 2016

Numpty phsycs

The max avg. speed of a 2 ft. high bolder falling is 3.5 ft./sec! This is true for all shapes and sizes so
there is no air in the game.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Angry birds

I found out that you should not put any vertical force on items that do not have air resistance and because the bird never slows down then there is no air resistance. Also I learned that the birds are a little over 2 feet tall! The slingshot is a little over 5 and a half yards tall! The math behind this is not very easy but I'll figure it out.

Ext. Doing some more reading I found that the equation used was w=v+at
Velocity w at the time t given the constant acceleration a (no air friction so it's a constant) with an initial velocity of v
Unfortunately this equation is going to become a little more complicated when applied to a video game that has much larger attention to detail.

Now because this game has no wind resistance then the horizontal speed is constant so you just take the velocity and multiply it by the time and you have your answer. The hardest part of this is going to be the arc. I am going to have to make a grid that I can measure out to a cretan time then I will be able to find out how manny (distance) per (time) they are traveling.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Quest

I am going to be doing a report showing how powerful exactly the jetpacks are in Call of Duty and in Destiny. I want to see if they are at all realistic and if so how they could be created. I will be testing the gravity of certain worlds to see if they match up with he real world.