Thursday, May 19, 2016

Mario's G-Force issue

there is tons of info about g forces on this site I'm gonna pull some data from this site.

Based on rates of survival (or lack thereof) during crashes, it became accepted wisdom that no pilot

could withstand more than 18 G's, or 18 times the force of gravity at sea level. So cockpits were

designed to withstand only 18 G's. Yet pilots sometimes walked away from crashes in which the G

forces were calculated to have been much higher.

in 1948 a scientist did some experiments himself to see what the human body could really endure he was able to withstand 35 G''s but he cracked to ribs and broke his wrist. He also lost some dental fillings.

Mario is experiencing 139.278 of g force

So if Mario experienced this kind of G force his outside would move faster than his inside. He would pass out instantly and his legs would be shattered. His organs would be pushed down hard causing all sorts of internal bleeding and his spine would snap in a least on place (just below his head) :)

All of this is just for experiencing gravity on earth! Mario's gravity is just shy of DOUBLE THAT!

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